Year 13


Print and digital enrolment campaigns targeting three audiences;
students wanting a second chance at the HSC, prospective parents and schools.

advertising that converts to 
Alesco Senior College is a secondary school for student who cannot or will not complete school in a traditional setting. The campaign captured the 'oops' feeling when things didn't got o plan the first time around with the HSC. 
Graduates of Alesco Senior College will most likely move onto further vocational training or sustainable employment. The Year 13 is a second attempt at the HSC where the student is the cente of the education plan. I used a light-hearted approach with visual puns to convey the theme of ‘oops, let’s try that again’.
Artwork appeared in Swell Magazine, Newcastle Herald, Newcastle Weekly and across digital channels.
Speaking to students
Speaking to referring high schools 
Speaking to parents
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